

Course Description


About the iValue Seminars
Choose from the following four courses:

Certificates of Participation will be awarded to all those attending the program.

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How to Value Information Technologycompass
Information technology has many success stories. However, there have also been far too many failures. The reason is that the effect of information technology on a company's shareholder value has been unpredictable. Lacking a method to analyze the value of IT, Executives are forced to make decisions based on fragmented data and guesswork. Now, iValue makes it possible to get a clear picture of the impact IT is having on shareholder value.

How to Value Information Technology, a three day executive seminar, can help you answer these questions:
• What contribution will a system make to a company's shareholder value?
• How can an IT system be constructed to create value?
• How do you value infrastructure, portals, Internet initiatives, CRM, and legacy systems?
• How to get the most from your technology spend?
• What will be the likely reaction from Wall Street?

Develop a critical skill. You will learn how to use VITA™, a structured process to estimate the shareholder value generated from IT systems.
Get hands on experience. Work on real-world cases where our proven methods have been applied.


Day 1 The VITA Framework
Get an introduction to the iValue analytical tools and techniques.

Morning Session

Understanding the Opportunity
Discovering the real need
Assessing the amount of demand

Refreshment Break

Creating the Technology Solution
Determining the flow of information
Scaling the system
Designing the information system architecture



Afternoon Session

Estimating Economic Value
Evaluating system cost
Making cost comparisons

Refreshment Break

Understanding baselines
Developing valuation models
Interpreting the results



Day 2 Case Study
Learn how TCI, a large capitalization public company, made the decision to invest in the distribution and installation of cable modems. Examine this case using proven financial models.

Morning Session

Breakout Session 1-Strategic Analysis

Refreshment Break

Breakout Session 2 -Pre-Initiative Valuation



Afternoon Session

Breakout Session 3 -Model Preparation and Analysis

Refreshment Break

Breakout Session 4 - IT System Valuation

Day 3 The Lab!
Join the group and course leaders to develop a high-level valuation approach to your IT initiatives. Apply the course learning and experience to get your own work done!

Getting Started
Review and explore each opportunity
Strategize on real opportunities with the group.

What Will it Take?
Develop the information flows
Work through the technology architecture
Understand what it will cost to launch your program

Will you Create Value?
Create the inputs necessary for analysis
Run a financial model

Go, No-Go or Wait?
Make a strategic decision

The Portfolio Strategy Approach to IT Valuationcompass
Nearly half of corporate capital expenditures are invested in information technology. Yet, many executives struggle with managing the value delivered from their IT investments. They lack a comprehensive method to understand the value generated from IT investments as a whole, that deals with the wide variation of risk and reward. Now, iValue makes it possible to manage the value of your portfolio of IT assets.

The Portfolio Strategy Approach to IT Investment, a three-day executive level seminar, can help you answer these questions:
• Do you have a process to evaluate your total investment in IT?
• Can you identify the stars from the dogs in your IT portfolio?
• Have you developed a buy, hold, and sell strategy for your IT investments?
• Do you know what your IT options are and when to act on them?
• Do you know how to hedge your bets?

Stay ahead of your competition Be able to apply state of the art techniques to your IT portfolio to keep your company ahead of the curve.
Learn a process that can enhance the value derived from your IT portfolio. The Portfolio Strategy process provides you with a step-by-step method to assure that you are maximizing value from IT.
Apply what you have learned to case studies Work through cases that give you exposure to portfolio modeling


Day 1 Getting Started

Morning Session

Establish a Strategy
Understand your risk profile
Establish your value target
Link IT investments to your overall investment strategy

Refreshment Break

Assess your IT holdings
Use a structured method to categorize your IT assets
Develop a risk profile for each investment



Afternoon Session

Sort out the true value contribution/drain
Analyze difficult IT investments such as infrastructure and legacy systems
Analyze your hold periods and exit strategies for your IT investments

Refreshment Break

Examine alliances and outsourcing to modify risk
Decide whether to continue to invest, run, or retire systems
Discuss asset recovery techniques



Day 2 Managing IT Assets

Morning Session

Get to the Right Investment Mix
Balance your portfolio
Identify your buy and sell strategies
Create an option strategy for possible changes to the market
Optimize your return



Afternoon Session

Case Work
Prepare a case study in a team environment using Portfolio Strategy Techniques.
Review your recommendations in an investment committee setting

Day 3 The Lab!

Join the group and course leaders in developing approaches to managing your IT portfolio. You will work with course leaders to develop a high-level approach to each IT portfolio suggested by the group. Use the IT Portfolio Strategy method in a dynamic setting to apply your learning.

  • Solve the infrastructure valuation puzzle
  • Quantify the value contribution of technology systems
  • Create an overall strategy to manage your portfolio of technology assets

Cost Optimizationcompass
Do you know if you are including all your costs? Do you need a TCO model? This session provides you with a simple, but comprehensive architecture to capture all the costs related to IT.
Understand what it takes to be best in class in IT Cost Optimization.
Find out where you are in comparison to best in breed.
Engage in a case study where you learn why it makes a difference to improve your cost optimization techniques.
Discover the "get rights" of cost optimization and why they make a difference.

iValue will give you a one year license to a model that will make it easy to get your questions answered fast. Be involved in a hands on case that will train you on how to use the model.

Everyone says success is getting aligned with business needs. We will show you how to get on the same page with your business partners.


Day 1

Morning Session

The Cost Management Continuum
Benchmarking your abilities against best practices
Self assessment and case study

Critical success factors in cost optimization



Afternoon Session

Blocking and Tackling
Ways to assure that you are capturing all your costs
Building a costing model/ case study
Project prioritization using benefits alignment/case study



Day 2

Morning Session

Measuring the Results
Developing metrics to prove your effectiveness
How to justify your IT projects
Case study



Afternoon Session

Sharpening the Pencil
Cutting fat without cutting muscle
How to analyze outsourcing/insource opportunities
Pulling it all together: Cap Stone Case

IT Risk Assessment and Managementcompass
The IT Risk Assessment and Management course will train you to maximize the probability a system will be an economic success. Specifically, you will learn how to:
Identify the components of system risk
Measure their effect on shareholder value
Estimate their likelihood of occurrence
Control and mitigate their potential impact
Attendees will acquire the skill to assess the risk of an economic loss from an IT system, as well as learn ways to act to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. You can now focus on what matters most: creating shareholder value, not struggling to sort out what went wrong. Smart money assesses and manages risk rather than fixing problems after the fact!

Day 1 Framework

Day 2 Qualitative and Quantitative Modules

Likelihood of Loss
Value of Loss
Risk Calculation
Status and Remarks

Day 3 Case Example
Risk Assessment and Management Methods

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